Chiacchierate sull'Umanesimo
AdriHum in the Universe of Mirabile
Lecture by Dr. Lucia Pinelli as part of the Doctoral Program in Humanism and Technologies...
Decies revolvendae pagellae: from the glass case to the virtual one
The exhibition Decies revolvendae pagellae: books to leaf through at the Department of Humanities Studies...
Itinera Adriatica I
The first stage of Itinera Adriatica, a traveling field research laboratory focusing on the figure...
Adriatic Humanism: IV and Final Meeting (VII Cycle)
Political and Literary Communities in Early Modern Dalmatia Ivan LUPIĆ | University of Rijeka (Fiume)...
Adriatic Humanism: III Meeting (VII Cycle)
For a re-reading of the Adriatic literary canon between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Marcello...
Adriatic Humanism: II Meeting (VII Cycle)
The Adriatic Territories of the Kingdom of Naples: Circulations and Artistic Connections between the Fifteenth...